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Robótica y accesibilidad

Arduino y accesibilidad

Filosofía Arduino

Por último para entender bien lo que es Arduino, es recomendable ver el documental de Arduino de unos 30 minutos de duración. Arduino the Documentary:

IoT Manifesto:

We believe that the best way to grow this environment is to develop open source platforms and protocols to propose as an alternative to the myriad of proprietary hardware and software platforms each one of the big players are developing.
We believe in creating tools that make these technologies understandable to the most diverse set of people as possible, this is the only way to make sure innovation benefits most of humanity.
We propose that connected devices should be: Open, Sustainable and Fair.

We foresee a world with billions of connected smart objects. These smart objects will be composed and orchestrated, thus making the Internet of Things a reality. The IoT will be the eyes, noses, arms, legs, hands of a new, extended, cyber body. The nervous system of such a body will be the Internet, allowing the interaction with a distributed intelligence made of hardware processors and human minds, behaviors, software procedures, and services, shared in the Cloud.
